It's time to change your BNZ Bank Feed

| Categories: Bank Feeds , Business Banking , New Zealand , Xero

Blog by Fuel Accountants


Xero is changing the way that it connects to BNZ for its bank feeds.  You need to make a one-time change to ensure that your Xero bank feed continues uninterrupted.  While this change doesn't have to happen until late August, it's best to get this done now.

Before you begin you do need to use the Business Banking online product from BNZ.  If you only log in using your personal banking access number then you should contact BNZ right away to get setup with Business Banking online.  If you don't know that you have business banking, then you're probably using personal banking!  Business banking has three fields when you first login (Access number, User ID and Password) whereas personal banking has two (Acces number and password).  If you have business banking, then you are all set to go.

Next, log into Xero and find any of your BNZ bank accounts in the dashboard or Bank Accounts page, click on Options, then Update Bank Connection.


Once you click on this you will be required to log into your BNZ Business Banking.  Then you will be presented with a list of bank account account available from your BNZ Login on the left and options for how they are treated on the right.  For each account on the left you need to choose an option on the right.

The options will include all Xero bank accounts that have not yet been assigned to BNZ account, “New bank account in Xero” and “Don’t connect”.


If you have bank accounts for multiple businesses (and maybe even personal accounts) available in your BNZ login please choose “Don’t connect” for all accounts that are not included in this Xero Ledger.

If you have a BNZ bank account that needs to be setup in Xero you will choose “New bank account in Xero”.

Once you have made a selection for every account in the list you can click “Continue” at the bottom of the page.

Next you will be asked to confirm and choose the import start date.  This will usually be today, as transactions from yesterday will probably already be in the system..

Now you’re done.  Your bank feeds have been reconnected using the new method.

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